Lincoln back up entry and start A full review of 2024 and 2025 models results in several important changes to the Lincoln back up entry and start pages. The Nautilus now uses an entry option first used in the Continental and gets a new back up start slot. The Aviator gets a new look center …
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Our Lincoln symbols page has been transformed to the new color treatment
Lincoln symbols page As we prepare to update our Lincoln pages, we have finished aligning our Lincoln symbols page into the new color arrangement. We’ve now transformed 20 pages, including our primary symbols page, to reflect the new color ordering. The Lincoln list is small for the moment, so the color scheme was relatively orderly, …
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Ford symbols page has been transformed to the new color treatment
Ford symbols page As we prepare to update our Ford pages, we have finished aligning our Ford symbols page into the new color arrangement. We’ve now transformed 19 pages, including our primary symbols page, to reflect the new color ordering. The Ford list is extensive, but unlike many symbols pages, the color scheme was relatively …
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Can zero-emission vehicles hit the California 35% by model year 2026? Toyota NA says no!
Zero-emission vehicle sales in California As reported by InsideEVs, zero-emission vehicle sales in California is mandated by the state’s Air Resources Board’s Advanced Clean Cars II to reach 35% of new vehicle sales by model year 2026. Toyota Motor NA’s (North America) chief operating officer says the EV regulations would be “impossible” to meet, despite …
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Our drive mode page now features 64 indicators
Drive mode Once again thanks to Subaru, our Drive Mode page now has 64 symbols, easily the largest group of symbols found on the site. It comes courtesy of what it calls the WRX model, which added six new mode indicators to its manual. The first indicator is associated with the Subaru Intelligent (SI) Drive …
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Mitsubishi symbols page has been re-ordered by color
Mitsubishi symbols page We have transformed our Mitsubishi symbols page into the new color alignment. We’ve now transformed 19 pages, including our primary symbols page, to reflect the new color ordering. We have yet to update the page, but it has seen a good deal of traffic and we felt Mitsubishi drivers deserved the improved …
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Marc Favreau
The author has 30+ years of automotive experience and has assembled the most extensive collection of symbols and warning lights anywhere (over 1,000!) and can help you open and start any keyless start car with a dead key fob battery. BA, St. Joseph's, ME: MS, RPI, NY
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