The author has 30+ years of automotive experience and has assembled the most extensive collection of symbols and warning lights anywhere (over 1,000!) and can help you open and start any keyless start car with a dead key fob battery. BA, St. Joseph's, ME: MS, RPI, NY
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- Information Displays and Message Centers — 10 comments
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Speed Limit These are Passive Speed Limit Indicator and Overspeed Indicator symbols. It indicates that a speed limit has been set and the image shows an example set speed limit of 65 miles per hour (MPH). The symbol will appear in the center information display in white, and the background shown may be in blue, …
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Bravo GM We want to take a moment to give a car maker a pat on the back. Landfill-free Facilities We’ve spent more than a little time on General Motors case for a lack of standardization with its keyless start cars as well as inaccurate information in owner’s manuals. Now the company gets a little …
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Simplify, Simplify, Simplify! On February 14, 2018, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Deputy Administrator Heidi King testified before the House Subcommittee on Digital Commerce and Consumer Protection Committee on Energy and Commerce. Among the topics was NHTSA’s goal of safe testing and deployment of Automated Driving Systems, and in the question and answer session noted …
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How to Open, Start and Replace Fob Batteries in Subaru Vehicles Now two videos for Subaru owners. The company evidently remains intent on keeping things simple. This video gets us into and starting a push button or keyless start Subaru. We had an Outback, but the procedures are standard across the product line. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Here’s …
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An EV Is Just a Car I have been pondering some items related to electric cars and autonomous cars, and in particular how messy even the automotive press treats these subjects. Which is point one. While the development of autonomous cars is expanding seemingly in tandem with electric cars, they are in fact separate and …
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SOS Feature These are SOS Feature Malfunction Indicator symbols. The symbol, in red or yellow/amber/orange, is likely accompanied by a text message in the instrument panel that states that the service is either limited or unavailable. The message will show one or the other. When restricted, an emergency call may be limited to a data …
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Too Many Back Up Start Locations GM Now Uses 17 Differing Back-up Pockets! While putting together a review of 2018 push button start models, we discovered that the new GMC Terrain and Acadia had been added, and that this was introduced in the Acadia in 2017. In addition, these two models have hidden key holes, …
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General Motors Gets Kudos for Landfill-free Facilities
Bravo GM We want to take a moment to give a car maker a pat on the back. Landfill-free Facilities We’ve spent more than a little time on General Motors case for a lack of standardization with its keyless start cars as well as inaccurate information in owner’s manuals. Now the company gets a little …
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