ESP/BAS This combined system warning indicator covers the Electronic Stability Program (ESP) and the Brake Assist System (BAS). These systems work together, and a fault in either, or both, will cause the light to come on. If it remains on, see your dealer or authorized service center as soon as possible. Before moving on, are …
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4 Wheel, All Wheel Drive Trouble Indicators
4 Wheel Drive These are 4 Wheel Drive (4WD) Trouble Indicator symbols. This first light will be seen under conditions specified by the manufacturer. For some, it will only be illuminated if there is a malfunction in the 4WD system. The light will also come on if the front wheel or tire diameters are different from those …
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Electronic Throttle Control Indicator
Electronic Throttle This is the Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) Indicator symbol. This light, a lightning bolt between reversed brackets or parenthesis, will illuminate if there is a problem in the electronic throttle control system. It may be seen in red or yellow/amber. As an electronic system, it can sometimes be reset by restarting the car, …
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Intelligent Brake Assist (IBA) Off Indicator
Brake Assist This is an Intelligent Brake Assist (IBA) Off Indicator symbol. IBA uses lasers to identify approaching obstacles and applies the brakes accordingly. The light comes on when the IBA switch is turned off. If the light comes on while the system is on, it is either unavailable temporarily or is malfunctioning. Check that …
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Lane Departure, Change Assist and Trouble Indicators
Lane Departure These are all Lane Departure Warning (LDW), Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS), Lane Departure Mitigation (LDM), Lane Departure Prevention (LDP), Lane Keeping Assist/Aid (LKA), Lane Keeping Assistant System (LKAS), Lane-keep Assist System (LAS), LaneSense Indicator, Lane Change Assist (LCA), Emergency Lane Keeping (ELK) symbols, or are part of a Driver Alert System. Assuming …
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Blind Spot Monitor Warning or System Symbols
Blind Spot Monitor These are Blind Spot Monitor (BSM) Warning or Blind Spot Detection (BSD), Blind Spot Alert (BSA) System (left) or BLind spot Information System (BLIS) (right) or Blind Spot Intervention (BSI) symbols. Yet another instance of essentially identical systems end up with manufacturer-dependent names for reasons that are not at all clear. Before …
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Check Gas Cap Indicators
Check Gas Cap Here we show three versions of the Check Gas Cap Indicator symbols, one of the few things the average driver can do anything about. The first two image symbols, which are really a half a car with an unscrewed gas cap, can look like a water pitcher with a screw or bolt …
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