Tag: EV

EV Charging Etiquette

Charging EVs While Being Considerate

We’re not the only ones to speak on this, but we’ve seen too many electric vehicles (EVs) sitting at Level 3 fast charge stations either done charging and blocking a station or charging above 80%, meaning very, very slowly. So it we will add our voice to the chorus of EV charging etiquette posts, and we’ll take that last one first.

1) Stop charging at 80%

We’ve seen more confusion about this than anything else related to Level 3 charging, and it all comes down to charge curves. Regardless of how fast an EV charges, each and every one of them slows down dramatically at 80% charge (see the image below from P3). So whatever time it takes to get to 80%, it will take up to three times that time to get to 100%. This is the least efficient way to charge on long trips. You can get half way to the next charge station in the time wasted getting to 100%!

The result is a charger that is not available to another driver, a waste of your time, and its really hard on the battery. Meaning it will shorten its life!

We understand the desire to “fill the tank” angst associated with leaving a battery 20% empty. But trust us when we say that the angst will pass with time and you’ll get along just fine at 80% and less.

2) Use the proper plug

This is essentially for non-Tesla owners. Your car determines the rate at which electricity is transferred to the battery. So parking a Chevy Bolt, which charges at 50 kW, at 350 kW charger does a huge disservice to owners of vehicles that can make use of the faster charger. Your car will not charge any faster than its rated speed, regardless of what charger you’ve plugged into.

Please leave the faster chargers for vehicles that can use them.

3) Move your EV when its done charging, not when you’re done shopping!

This is a primarily time awareness issue, and of course moving your car is again about opening a charge spot for another driver. Most EV’s get to 80% charge in 20 to 30 minutes and your owner’s manual will give you a solid heads up. Also, your car’s app may be able to tell you when charging is finished or close to finished.

So if you’ve wandered off to lunch or shopping, for the sake of everyone else, please come back to your car on time to open a slot for someone else.

4) Know your vehicle’s charge port location

Nearly all gasoline fill locations on on one side or the other in the rear of the vehicle. EVs can charge from similar locations but some are in the front! In any case, knowing which par of the car that needs to be closest to the charge cable will save some embarrassment.

Of course, all Tesla models charge from the left rear.

5) Don’t leave trash behind

One would think all EV drivers are environmentally conscious, but this turns out not to be the case. And unfortunately, charge stations don’t have trash receptacles around, since no attendant is needed! So, if you generate some trash, please be prepared to take it away with you.

6) Never unplug someone else’s vehicle

Unless its an absolute emergency, never, ever touch another driver’s car. You wouldn’t want someone to do that to you (unless you left a note allowing it!) so don’t ever do it to someone else.

7) Level 2 charger time limits

Finally, if you happen upon a slower Level 2 public charger, be aware of any posted time limits. You won’t get as much charge, but others may want a little boost too. Leave when its your time to leave.

In all cases, be considerate of other EV drivers!



Remember that only proper service and repair procedures will ensure the safe and reliable operation of your car. In addition, proper safety procedures and precautions, such as the  use of safety goggles, the right tools and the equipment should be followed at all times to eliminate the possibility of personal injury or improper service which could damage the vehicle or compromise its safety.

These posts are for information sharing purposes only, and should not be used in lieu of an OEM service manual or factory authorized service procedure. We are not in the auto repair business nor do we publish automotive service manuals. Nothing we include on these pages and posts has been reviewed, approved or authorized by any vehicle manufacturer.

Technology is always changing and what is current and accurate today may be literally out-of-date and inaccurate tomorrow. And when it comes to the current state of flux in the auto industry, nothing is more true.

Permanent link to this article: https://dashboardsymbols.com/2024/04/ev-charging-etiquette/

2024 New York International Auto Show Reflections

Who Showed, Who Didn’t

The 2024 New York International Auto Show (NYIAS) was notable as much for who still didn’t show up as for what we found on the show floor.

Since the pandemic shut down the show for two years, Mercedes-Benz and BMW have yet to reappear. And while Mazda and Mitsubishi made appearances in ’22 and ’23, there were a no show this year. And from Fiat Chrysler — or Stellantis — only Jeep showed up with its outdoor test climb.

The value of industry trade shows was questioned in the wake of the pandemic. They are expensive to put on, requiring the movement of large numbers of people and vehicles and booth materials. There’s no EV trackevidence of Mercedes and BMW suffering from ignoring this and other trade shows.

Further evidence of a cut back in show attendance were the tiny booths set up by both Volvo and Audi. Barely room for a few car. For the second year in row, Hyundai took advantage of available floor space to make its own test track. The EV track (right) remained on the first level.

EVs in the Limelight

ID BuzzPolestar 4Elsewhere, EVs remain a focus of the show, clearly an attempt to acquaint the buying public with the shift to electric driving. Volkswagen’s ID Buzz (left) made and appearance. Polestar was at the show for the first time and brought its 2, 3, and 4 models. The Polestar 4 (right) won’t be available to order for another few months with deliveries expected in 2025.

Acura ZDXPorsche line upPorsche featured all four of its available electric line: the Tacan, Macan, Cayenne and Panamera (left), all open and available to crawl through. As always with Porsche, the styling is impeccable.

Acura brought its first EV, the ZDX (right), but kept it locked tight. Seems a bit short sighted if you’re hoping to generate interest.


Remember that only proper service and repair procedures will ensure the safe and reliable operation of your car. In addition, proper safety procedures and precautions, such as the  use of safety goggles, the right tools and the equipment should be followed at all times to eliminate the possibility of personal injury or improper service which could damage the vehicle or compromise its safety.

These posts are for information sharing purposes only, and should not be used in lieu of an OEM service manual or factory authorized service procedure. We are not in the auto repair business nor do we publish automotive service manuals. Nothing we include on these pages and posts has been reviewed, approved or authorized by any vehicle manufacturer.

Technology is always changing and what is current and accurate today may be literally out-of-date and inaccurate tomorrow. And when it comes to the current state of flux in the auto industry, nothing is more true.

Permanent link to this article: https://dashboardsymbols.com/2024/03/2024-new-york-international-auto-show-reflections/

EV Driving Life is an App Driving Life

Why You Might Need a Smart Phone App

Charging an electric vehicle (EV) in most cases involves an intermediary – a smart phone app. Needless to say an app failure when in need of a charge is a massive problem, and all too often it will be left to the driver to come up with a fix! This makes EV driving an App driving life.

So, this is at once a call to app makers to get it right for the sake and safety of their users, and to app users to be on guard.

No App Needed

First, for those with less familiarity we’ll note the charging opportunities that do not require an app:

  • Plugging directly into a 120v or 240 v AC home outlet
  • Tesla drivers at a Tesla supercharges
  •  Mercedes-Benz drivers at an Electrify America charge station – a program that may eventually be extended to other manufacturers.

App Needed

And charging that does require an app:

  • Any DC Level 3 fast charging network that does not belong to Tesla
  • Any Tesla driver using one of those networks
  • Any non-Tesla driver using Tesla’s Level 3 Magic Docks
  • EV Driving LifeLevel 2 AC chargers installed at a residence
  • Shared Level 2 network chargers

Bad example #1. I have access to a shared Level 2 network where I live. What is supposed to happen is illustrated by the image to the right. The app opens the camera which is used to scan a QR code on the charger, which can be seen coming into focus. Assuming an account has been set up, charging starts automatically.

However, an attempt to use it a few weeks ago resulted in the screen shown in the Charge image 2second image. The camera screen flashed on only momentarily, and was then replaced by what is seen on the image.

A call to the company resulted in the maddening suggestion of uninstall and reinstall the software! The user finds himself/herself the technician! We’ve dealt with these kinds of issues before.

Needless to say the process changed nothing, even though an update appeared to take place. The problem resolved itself a few days without any further input!

Charge image 3Bad example #2. My lease came with 24 months of free charging with Electrify America. This ran out a bit ago, so I have not used them in some time.

However, I follow them on X, and recently saw the post shown in the screen grab to the right. Their app was experiencing a service interruption. Now, one can only imagine the time wasted by drivers attempting to charge their vehicles. And unless they themselves followed Electrify America on social media, and thought to check for a post, they would oblivious to the fact that a session could actually be started regardless! Its a bit hard to read, but the text says this.

Service interruptions, software – read app – failures, this is the world of EV charging. For those who are faint of heart or hate technology, this world is not – yet – for you!

I added yet because everyone who claims to hate and/or be “bad” at technology likely as not already owns and makes great use of a smart phone. It merely an adjustment.

But be ready for help calls that will require you to be in the “driver’s seat” while finding a solution.


Remember that only proper service and repair procedures will ensure the safe and reliable operation of your car. In addition, proper safety procedures and precautions, such as the use of safety goggles, the right tools and the equipment should be followed at all times to eliminate the possibility of personal injury or improper service which could damage the vehicle or compromise its safety.

These posts are for information sharing purposes only, and should not be used in lieu of an OEM service manual or factory authorized service procedure. We are not in the auto repair business nor do we publish automotive service manuals. Nothing we include on these pages and posts has been reviewed, approved or authorized by any vehicle manufacturer.

Technology is always changing and what is current and accurate today may be literally out-of-date and inaccurate tomorrow. And when it comes to the current state of flux in the auto industry, nothing is more true.

Permanent link to this article: https://dashboardsymbols.com/2024/02/ev-driving-life-is-an-app-driving-life/

To EV or Not to EV…

Reasons NOT to by an EV Debunked

Tesla Model 3So we spotted a post on “X” recently titled “12 Reasons NOT to buy an EV” (electric vehicle), which leave internal combustion engine (ICE) powered cars as the only alternatives. We thought we’d have a look at it point by point.

The 12 Reasons Each With a Counterpoint

1) Purchase cost is way higher.
– Not true. Expensive models get the most press, and there are many of them, but there are some very, very affordable EVs. We’re not going to point to any manufacturers (we’re not in sales), just do some homework. And that statement completely ignores cost of ownership, which goes to EVs hands down. If cost of ownership is a foreign concept, its homework time again…

2) Depreciation is massive.
– There is some truth here, but it is massively overstated. In further truth, its too early to fully determine. The industry remains in infancy, prices are coming down thus lowering pre-owned EV prices.

3) The Batteries cannot be recycled on a commercial scale.
– Partly true. They can be recycled at scale, but this is still being ramped up. The mineral value is driving this.

4) The performance claims are grossly exaggerated.
– If this is a reference to speed, this is flat out wrong. If its a reference to range, its partially true. Most manufacturers are pretty conservative with range estimates. Consumer Reports data confirms this.

5) They carry no spare wheel so to reduce weight.
– This is actually true, but across the entire automotive industry. All vehicles, ICE and EV, are transitioning to refill kits rather than spare tires, again to reduce weight. Not all flat tires can be re-inflated so we’ll take this opportunity to tell the industry to ensure that at least a donut is available in all vehicles!

6) You can’t charge them from a flat or a house without a drive.
– Somewhat true, but a solvable problem. I live in a “flat” (apartment) and it has four Level 2 charging stations available and a charge port can be placed along the road in most cases at private homes that lack a drive(way).

7) Charging points are not ubiquitous enough to journey with confidence.
– Again somewhat true. More charge stations would be better, but planning can accommodate the vast majority (journeys) trips with the stations currently available.

8) Batteries that catch fire cannot be extinguished without plunging the whole car into a skip-full of water.
– This is actually true. However, fires (not to mention explosions) are far, far more common with the rolling bombs more generally known as ICE vehicles. Any EV fire gets so much attention that perception becomes skewed. Its actually very difficult to get an EV battery to burn.

9) Existing car parks are not designed to cope with the 50% higher weight.
Tesla Model 3– Sooo many things wrong with this. EVs are heavier, yes, but an EV of about equal size is only 15% heavier, not 50% (Camry vs Model 3)! Further, large SUVs (Escalade 7,700 lbs.) are actually heavier (25%) than most electric powered SUVs (Model X, 6,200 lbs))! Now there are hints that the writer of the piece is from Europe, where cars are generally smaller, but we don’t believe for a minute that car parks built anywhere are built to the lowest possible standards.

10) The time to queue and charge an EV is magnitudes of filling a petrol tank.
– This is true, but can an ICE vehicle be refilled at home??

11) The environmental damage of extracting minerals and making batteries is more than using fossil fuels.
– This is just flat out wrong and propaganda. Oil must be extracted as well.

12) Insuring EVs is massively higher than petrol/diesel vehicles.
– We have not found this to be the case, but in truth Tesla started its own insurance division because of high prices in some regions. We believe this is levelling out as EVs become ubiquitous.

And finally, a few of points in favor of EVs.

  • Regaining “fuel” while slowing down (try that in an ICE vehicle).
  • And that process (regeneration) will make your brakes last 100,000 miles or more!
  • Peace and quiet!
  • Far, far fewer moving parts to fail or require maintenance!
  • No more oil changes!
  • No more gasoline/diesel fumes to inhale while refilling!
  • And on, and on, and on…


Remember that only proper service and repair procedures will ensure the safe and reliable operation of your car. In addition, proper safety procedures and precautions, such as the use of safety goggles, the right tools and the equipment should be followed at all times to eliminate the possibility of personal injury or improper service which could damage the vehicle or compromise its safety.

These posts are for information sharing purposes only, and should not be used in lieu of an OEM service manual or factory authorized service procedure. We are not in the auto repair business nor do we publish automotive service manuals. Nothing we include on these pages and posts has been reviewed, approved or authorized by any vehicle manufacturer.

Technology is always changing and what is current and accurate today may be literally out-of-date and inaccurate tomorrow. And when it comes to the current state of flux in the auto industry, nothing is more true.

Permanent link to this article: https://dashboardsymbols.com/2024/01/to-ev-or-not-to-ev/

Charging an Electric Car: The Basics You Need to Get Started

Just Plug it In?

Charging an electric car or electric vehicle (EV) might well seem mysterious to the uninitiated, so we’ve set out here to simplify the charging process. Just like charging your smartphone, at first blush the car just needs to be plugged in.

There are three levels of charging that, in effect, move from slow to fast. They are aptly named Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. The first two levels can be done at home, and descriptions of all three are next.

Opportunities to Charge at Home

120V connectorLevel 1: This level requires only a standard 110V/120V plug found in your home or apartment. A grounded adapter, like the one shown to the right, will have been supplied with the car. Charging at Level 1 adds 3 to 4 miles of range per hour of charging.

Level 2: This level requires can use a standard 220V/240V outlet, like one you may have available for a household clothes dryer and adds range at 15 to 20 miles per hour of charging. This is a superior option easily “filling” your car overnight and the adapter, likely supplied with 240V connectorthe car, is shown to the right.

However, we recommend having a charging station set up at your home as there are many tax incentives available that can be taken advantage of. The stations will allow for additional programming to take advantage of lower electricity rates. The car itself can likely do this as well, but the station set up will avoid the hassle of unplugging an d plugging in your dryer over and over.

Note that there are public Level 2 chargers available in some municipalities intended for shoppers or restaurant goers to charge while shopping or eating. They might even be free. The results will only be 20 to 30 miles of range added in most cases.

Fast Charging On the Road

Level 3: This is fast charging public networks using direct current (DC) and is not something available for set up at home. These stations can add up to 600 miles of range per hour of charging depending on both what the car will allow and what the charge station can supply! Further, the chargers are specifically tied to charging standards set by manufacturers, but in the majority of cases, you will spend roughly 30 minutes charging to 80% charge. Please follow this link to learn why you should actually stop there!

EV ConnectorsThere are three standards: Combined Charging System (CCS), CHAdeMO (CHArge de(for) MOve(ing)), and North American Charging Standard (NACS). We’ll ignore the second one, which was developed in Japan, and you should as well in deciding on a purchase as it is used by only a handful of manufacturers, has only a small charging network, and is being superseded. Due to simplicity, lighter weight cabling and extensive network, the NACS standard, a Tesla creation, is slowly being adopted by nearly all auto manufacturers selling vehicles here in the U.S. However, be absolutely sure the connectors on the car are correct if you choose something other than a Tesla and wish to use its network.

The CCS standard does have a significant and useful charging network from a number of suppliers, most notably Electrify America and EVgo, and is used currently by the majority of non-Tesla auto manufacturers. There is no reason to shy away from a vehicle using these Level 3 chargers. Some Tesla stations have been Home chargeradapted to charge CCS-equipped cars as well, but they are few and far between currently. Finally, the CCS network will also be transformed to handle the NACS standard.

Just know that the vast majority of us do only local driving and the easiest and most efficient means of charging is with a Level 2 station set up at home, like the one seen to the right. You’ll never need to pump gas again, never be overcharged for an oil change again, and will always leave home with a full “tank”!


Remember that only proper service and repair procedures will ensure the safe and reliable operation of your car. In addition, proper safety procedures and precautions, such as the use of safety goggles, the right tools and the equipment should be followed at all times to eliminate the possibility of personal injury or improper service which could damage the vehicle or compromise its safety.

These posts are for information sharing purposes only, and should not be used in lieu of an OEM service manual or factory authorized service procedure. We are not in the auto repair business nor do we publish automotive service manuals. Nothing we include on these pages and posts has been reviewed, approved or authorized by any vehicle manufacturer.

Permanent link to this article: https://dashboardsymbols.com/2023/12/charging-an-electric-car-the-basics-you-need-to-get-started/

EV Efficiency: Range’s Ignored Stepsister — While We Ignore MPGe

EV Efficiency

Most commonly any talk about EVs is about range. And while that’s certainly important, we want to shift the focus to fuel efficiency. And yes, there is such a thing! Click here for charging speed information.

The industry talks about kilowatts used per 100 miles, which is just so far from anyone’s experience and difficult to truly understand, unless maybe you’re an electrical engineer.

We use miles per gallon when talking about internal combustion engine or ICE cars, so how about miles per kilowatt?

We offer this as part of our continuing efforts to simplify the latest in automotive technology as much as possible. And yes, we in turn are choosing to ignore miles per gallon of gasoline-equivalent (MPGe). It is a tortured stat meant to compare EVs to vehicles run on liquid fuels. It will be extinct soon enough.

The chart below is a translation primarily but not exclusively of work from ev-database.org, and I’ve linked their chart here. It’s in kilometers and the twisty kW per 100. I did a video as well that is also posted below, but here can be updated easily as improvements are made and new models are introduced. Note that our chart focuses on EVs available in North America while ev-database goes world wide and that the it can be expanded to show all entries.

ManufacturerModelBattery (kWh)Range (mi)Miles per kW (m/kW)Fleet Ave. m/kW
R552 kWh2494.84.8
Air Pure / Touring88336-3483.8-4.03.8
Air Dream112405-4193.6-3.7
Model 3582524.33.7
Model S95348-3573.7-3.8
Model Y582183.8
Model X95283-2953.0-3.1
Ioniq 6542274.23.7
Ioniq 5541833.4
Bolt EUV652473.8
Leaf e+592113.6
Taycan models84236-2862.8-3.43.3
Q4 e-tron52239-2643.4-3.53.1
e-tron GT85252-2613.0-3.1
Q8 e-tron89261-2772.9-3.1
EQS Sedans108336-3953.1-3.72.9
EQS SUVs108301-3112.8-2.9
VF 8882643.02.8
VF 91233232.6
Rolls Royce

The Rankings

So, I’ve ranked manufacturers by efficiency, based on the fleet average miles per kW. This is exactly what we’re used to using in ICE vehicles — fleet average miles per gallon. The miles/kW figures are derived simply by taking a vehicles range and dividing by the battery’s kWh size. Note that the numbers are rather small, which may be what drives the use of kilowatts per 100 miles, but they are still very telling.

Few models reach or exceed an efficiency of 4 miles per kilowatt. Further, those numbers are nearly all associated with smaller models and often with smaller batteries! For instance, the industry leader is Tesla’s Model 3 with the 58 kWh battery! A smaller battery weighs less and is thus more efficient, while lacking some range. The higher range Model 3 features a 75 kW battery.

*In fact a May, 2024 update finds a Renault R5, available only in Europe, a small car with a small battery, comes in at 4.8 m/kW! It now leads the list!

Overall, Lucid, Tesla and Hyundai lead with the most efficient fleets. Oddly, Kia in particular and Genesis as well fall short of their Hyundai cousins. Kia’s smaller vehicles should have it neck and neck with Hyundai, who’s offerings tend to be smaller as well.

Bigger batteries, while offering more range generally, are not a guarantee. Note that Vinfast’s VF 9 models holds a whopping 123 kWh battery, but only 323 miles in range and lands at the bottom of our list at 2.6 miles per kilowatt. This is a full 40% less efficient than the 58 kWh Tesla Model 3.

Speaking of big batteries, battery power trains are already heavier than their ICE counterparts. For example the Ford F150 Lightning weighs in at 2500 lbs more than the gas powered version. The battery alone in the upcoming Hummer is said to weigh 2900 lbs.

The hyphenated ranges and efficiencies are identical models most often with single vs dual motors. Single motor variants are always more efficient. In some cases there are adjustments that up the horse power as well, which then cuts into efficiency.

Note who’s missing from this list: Toyota/Lexus (since added)! Honda/Acura (since added). Mazda. Subaru (missed this one)! Stellantis (at work in Europe). Even those we’ve added remain well behind a changing landscape…

So we’ll keep an eye on that landscape. Expect to see battery chemistries get more efficient and to see weight reductions, also adding efficiency.

We also expect to see faster and faster charge rates — which is also an upcoming topic.


  • 8/21/23, Acura introduces a ZDX EV, but comes in near the bottom. Big battery, low average efficiency.
  • 12/21/23, Rolls Royce Spectra added. Also a big battery and landed at the very bottom of the list…
  • 1/21/24,  Two Lexus models added. Just above the middle on the list.
  • 2/3/24,  Porsche Macan added, which moved the brand average from 3.2 to 3.3 m/kW.
  • 5/21/24,  Renault R5, available only in Europe, a small car with a small battery, comes in at 4.8 m/kW!
  • 5/21/24, Honda intros the Prologue with an 85 kWh battery and nearly 300 miles of range.
  • 5/22/25, the Mercedes adds the G-Wagon and drops fleet efficiency from 3.1 to 2.9.


Remember that only proper service and repair procedures will ensure the safe and reliable operation of your car. In addition, proper safety procedures and precautions, such as the use of safety goggles, the right tools and the equipment should be followed at all times to eliminate the possibility of personal injury or improper service which could damage the vehicle or compromise its safety.

These posts are for information sharing purposes only, and should not be used in lieu of an OEM service manual or factory authorized service procedure. We are not in the auto repair business nor do we publish automotive service manuals. Nothing we include on these pages and posts has been reviewed, approved or authorized by any vehicle manufacturer.

Permanent link to this article: https://dashboardsymbols.com/2023/07/ev-efficiency-ranges-ignored-stepsister/

One Pedal Driving Dashboard Indicator

One Pedal

One pedal driving indicatorThis is a One Pedal Driving Dashboard Indicator symbol. One pedal driving is a feature of electric vehicles, where much of the braking is accomplished by the electric motor as the accelerator pedal is released. The brake pedal is not touched in most cases when the system is activated.

  • Before moving on, is this truly your symbol??
  • If not, you can return to our main Picture Symbols page and scan again!

This is part and parcel of Regenerative Braking, where the energy used to slow the vehicle is captured and returned to the the high voltage battery. There is a misconception that this accomplished through the vehicles brake system, which is simply not the case (I once listened to a dealership owner explain regenerative braking to a customer perfectly wrong!). In fact the electric motor reverses, which slows the vehicle a sends energy back to the battery.

From a driver’s perspective, regenerative braking turns out to be quite intuitive. The more the accelerator pedal is released, the harder the braking action. This is very similar to actual braking., where the more the brake pedal is pushed, the harder the braking action.

Emergency stops in an EV will still require the use of the brake pedal. But moment to moment driving can be accomplished with the accelerator pedal only. Most manufacturers allow the driver to choose the amount of braking action applied by the electric motor. One pedal driving is accomplished only at the highest setting.


Remember that only proper service and repair procedures will ensure the safe and reliable operation of your car. In addition, proper safety procedures and precautions, such as the use of safety goggles, the right tools and the equipment should be followed at all times to eliminate the possibility of personal injury or improper service which could damage the vehicle or compromise its safety.

These posts are for information sharing purposes only, and should not be used in lieu of an OEM service manual or factory authorized service procedure. We are not in the auto repair business nor do we publish automotive service manuals. Nothing we include on these pages and posts has been reviewed, approved or authorized by any vehicle manufacturer.

Technology is always changing and what is current and accurate today may be literally out-of-date and inaccurate tomorrow. And when it comes to the current state of flux in the auto industry, nothing is more true.

Permanent link to this article: https://dashboardsymbols.com/2022/08/one-pedal-driving-indicator/