An update of Mini back up open and start processes finds two changes. Back up processes are needed if and when the key fob battery dies.
The return of the Mini Cooper for the 2025 model year brings a new style key fob. Unfortunately the company has chosen a style that houses the mechanical key inside the fob.
The same fob creates a change to the start process. Rather than placing the nose of the fob against the mark of the mark found on the steering column (below right), the back of the fob must be used. Then the car will start as normal within 10 seconds of the chime of recognition.
Our goal is to help you feel safe – and keep you moving or get you moving if at all possible – rather than leave you fretting whenever your key fob stops working. The instructions for getting into and starting most keyless start cars can be found on our pages — without roadside assistance.
You can see the Mini back up open and start page here.
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