back up entry

Hyundai Motor Grp repeats irksome mechanical key problem in new Genesis models

Mechanical key problem We just completed an update of Genesis back up entry processes, made necessary when the battery in…

1 week ago

Polestar back up entry and start update points to manufacturer schizophrenia

Polestar back up entry and start update Our latest Polestar back up entry and start update really points to a…

4 weeks ago

Mercedes-Benz adds a 4th door handle style

A 4th Door Handle In 2023, Mercedes-Benz added a 4th door handle that hides the key hole to its model…

1 month ago

Open a Tesla with a Dead Key Fob or Mobile Phone

How to Open a Tesla with a Dead Key Fob or Mobile Phone Getting into Your Tesla First, if you…

7 years ago